Four Tips For Avoiding Allergens In The Fall

Fall is a season of struggle for many allergen sufferers. Many plants release their pollen around this time, and no matter where you go, it seems to follow you, causing itching, sneezing, and runny eyes. This fall, follow these tips to limit your contact with allergens.

Keep windows closed.

If you leave the windows open to let in some fresh air, you're also letting pollen inside. And once it's in your indoor air supply, it will take a long time for your HVAC filter to remove it all. Plus, it will build up on surfaces like your carpet and sofa. So start keeping your windows shut as soon as the summer fades away. If you want some fresh air, turn on your HVAC fan. It will circulate air without letting in pollen.

Have your carpet cleaned.

Early fall is a great time to have your carpet cleaned. This will remove any pollen that built up during the last weeks of summer before you start spending more time inside. Work with a professional carpet cleaning company who uses a high-powered extraction device. This will ensure pollen is removed from deep within the carpet so it does not cause symptoms when you sit on the carpet or walk across it barefoot.

After having your carpet cleaned, avoid the temptation to open the windows to encourage it to dry out faster - this lets pollen in. Just turn on ceiling fans or your central HVAC fan to circulate air.

Vacuum regularly -- with a HEPA filter.

Even with keeping your windows closed, a little pollen is likely to enter when you come in the door. To keep pollen levels as low as possible, get into the habit of vacuuming your carpet every other day. Replace the filter in your vacuum with a HEPA filter. This will trap more small pollen particles than a standard filter, which is good for trapping larger dust particles, but not much else.

Change your car's air filter.

One common way allergens end up in your home is on your clothing. When you sit in your car with the heat or air on, pollen is blown straight onto your clothing. Then you bring it into your home. If you change the cabin air filter in your car, it will trap more of the pollen before it makes its way into your car. Look in your owner's manual for directions for changing the air filter. It's generally very simple and only takes a few minutes.

For more information or assistance, contact companies like Deep Cleaning.
