Want Your Security Deposit Back? Don't Skip These Important Cleaning Tasks

In order to get your security deposit back, most lease agreements specify that you must leave an apartment "clean." But clean means different things to different people. Giving the carpet a quick vacuum and wiping off the counters may result in an apartment that's clean enough for some landlords' standards, but there are no guarantees. If you really want to be sure you get your deposit back, leave time to tackle these often-forgotten cleaning tasks before moving out.

Clean the oven.

Especially if you don't use the oven very often, you may not pay attention to the grime it accumulates in the bottom. But a dirty oven is time-consuming to clean, so chances are, your landlord will withhold part of the security deposit if you leave yours messy. 

Most ovens have a self-cleaning function. You just lock the door, turn the dial to "self-clean" and come back six or eight hours later. You'll then need to wipe the soot out of the bottom of the oven and give the door a once-over with some glass cleaner.

Wipe down cabinet doors.

Grime is easy to miss when you look at your cabinet doors everyday. But you can bet they have greasy finger prints all over them. Give them a spritz with an all-purpose cleaner, and wipe them down with a rag or sponge. This is easiest to do when the cupboards are empty so you don't have to worry about getting cleaner on any food or dishes.

Scrub the fridge.

Prepare a mixture of 1/4 cup bleach in a gallon of warm water and wipe out the interior of the fridge. The bleach will kill bacteria and fungi that can make a fridge smell. If you come across any caked-on grime, scrub it away with a paste made from baking soda and water. Turn the fridge off, and leave it open for an hour or two to ensure it dries completely. Then, turn it back on and shut the door. 

Clean the blinds. 

Most people don't remember to clean their window treatments nearly as often as they should. But dirty blinds can make the whole place look dirtier, reducing your chances of getting that full security deposit back. An easy way to clean your blinds is to put on a pair of cotton gloves. Spray the gloves with an all-purpose cleaner, and then grab the blinds between your fingers, sliding them along the blinds to wipe them off.

If you complete the tasks above before moving out, your apartment should be in great shape! If you need extra deep cleaning, or if you don't have time to clean before you move, talk to an exit-cleaning service like Apelila's In and Out Cleaning LLC.
