How To Resurface Your Brick Fireplace With Stone

Brick is a beautiful and durable material, which is why most fireplaces in older homes have a brick surround. The downside to brick is that it can look a little unsightly, especially if it isn't exactly the color brick you want in your home (such as deep red or orange tones). You don't need to tear out all of that brick to give it an updated look, since you can resurface directly over the top using stone. This isn't a job for the faint of heart, so if this is too much work for you, you can hire a stone resurfacing company to do the work for you. See below for instructions to do it yourself.

Tools And Materials For The Job:

  • Hammer drill
  • Masonry hammer
  • Angle grinder with diamond blade
  • Trowel
  • Mortar mix
  • Galvanized nails
  • Metal lath
  • Stack stone
  • Concrete screws
  • Sponge
  • Water


  1. The metal lath will be used to cover the old brick, and then the mortar will go onto the lath to help hold the new stone securely in place. So to start, you'll need to measure your fireplace and cut the metal lath to fit over the old brick. Once you have it cut, set it aside.
  2. Next, pre-drill holes in the mortar of the brick (not in the bricks themselves). The holes should be every 6 - 8 inches. Once you have the holes in place, lay the metal lath on the brick and drive the concrete screws into the holes to hold the lath secure.
  3. Mix your mortar according to the manufacturer's instructions, then use the trowel to apply it about 1/2" thick to the metal lath, being sure to make it even. Continue applying the mortar until you have covered the entire area.
  4. You can now begin attaching the stones to the mortar. To do so, wet the back of the stones using a sponge, then apply a small amount of mortar to the back. Press the stone firmly into the mortar. If any mortar pushes out between the stones, just wipe it away. Continue working your way up your fireplace, stacking the stones any way you choose and making any necessary cuts using the angle grinder.
  5. Wipe any mortar on the stones that you can see using the sponge and some water.
  6. To brace your stones, use 2' x 4' pieces of wood to help hold them in place until they have cured. Once the stone is set, you can remove the wood.

Brick is a very durable material, but it may not be your style. Resurface your brick using stone to give it a more modern and updated look. Call in a professional resurfacing company like Marble Tec Systems for help if needed.
