3 Often-Overlooked Items That Need Cleaning In Your Office

A clean commercial space is essential when it comes to presenting your company in a positive light. You don't want potential customers to walk into your office and be taken aback at the dirt. Most office managers contract with professional cleaning companies to provide routine cleaning services.

You probably know that you need to have your floors mopped and your carpets vacuumed, but there are some other items within your office you might be overlooking when it comes to cleaning.

1. Plants

Offices often incorporate plants into their interior design. Greenery can help soften a space and add interest to your office. It doesn't matter if you opt for live plants or those of the plastic variety, you need to be cleaning your greenery on a regular basis.

The leaves of plants can catch a tremendous amount of dust, debris, and cobwebs over time. Be sure that you let your cleaning service know that you want your plants dusted often so that your office space will remain as pristine as possible.

2. Upholstery

Upholstered chairs and sofas can be found in the lobbies of many office buildings. If you have upholstery in your building, you need to be sure that you are evaluating the cleanliness of these items often.

You probably have no problem spotting stains on the surface of your chairs and sofas, but an accumulation of dust might be more difficult to spot. Compare the exposed upholstered area to fabric on the rear or bottom of the furniture piece. If you can see a noticeable difference in the vibrancy of the fabric, your upholstery needs to be cleaned.

3. Switch Plates and Doorknobs

Think about the features in your office that are touched many times throughout the day. Switch plates and doorknobs are among the most used items in a commercial setting. If you fail to clean these features on a regular basis, you expose customers and employees to the spread of germs.

A simple wipe-down with an antibacterial cloth can help eliminate germs from the surface of your light switches and doorknobs.

There is more to keeping an office clean than just having the restrooms scrubbed and the floors cleaned. You need to work closely with your commercial cleaning service to create a comprehensive schedule that incorporates the often-overlooked elements within your office that can collect dust, debris and germs. This attention to detail will help keep your commercial space pristine in the future.
