Quick Tips To Remember To Make Office Cleaning Easier

Every office needs to stay clean and organized regardless of the number of people that work or visit the premises. This way, the work environment will be more enjoyable and healthier, which will enhance morale and productivity. However, all this doesn't just happen automatically — office cleaning must be prioritized to attain all these benefits. This post will outline the best checklist to make the commercial cleaning process more manageable.

Desks and Cubicles

Every office has an area where employees sit and work. These areas have desks, shared worktables, computers, printers, etc. and may even be subdivided into cubicles. Follow these tips to keep the work area clean.

Wipe the computers, keyboards, printers, fax, and the desks clean every other day. Then, disinfect the surfaces touched by many people like the fax machine, shared printers, door handles, lamp, staplers, and so on. 

Don't forget to dust the shelves, cabinets, or any other similar surfaces and the windows. The floors should be spotless as well, so vacuum them, particularly if you have carpeting, or mop them clean. Be sure to focus on the areas under the chairs and desks, and empty the trash cans.

Kitchen Area

Today, most commercial spaces have kitchens that must be kept clean throughout to avoid health problems and pest infestation. For this reason, the kitchen must be cleaned and sanitized every other day, and here are some useful tips.

Clean the countertops, backsplashes, and other similar surfaces like the eating area with a disinfectant to eliminate oils, fats, and food crumbs. Then, mop the floor using a good disinfectant to keep the pests and bacteria at bay. The sink areas should be cleaned every other day. 

Remember to stock up liquid hand soaps and hand sanitizers. Kitchen appliances like the toaster, microwave, and refrigerator need to be wiped clean regularly from the inside out. Finally, place dirty dishes in the dishwasher, throw away the expired food, and take out the trash.

Restroom Area

Restrooms need to be spotlessly clean because they are the most germ-infected areas in a commercial space. To make matters worse, they are shared by the employees and customers, so you can't afford to let your guard down. Ideally, the restroom floor and surfaces like the sink, toilets, urinals, and doorknobs need to be cleaned and sanitized after every few hours. 

Under no circumstance should the floor be wet. Place hand liquid soaps and sanitizers on every sink and remove garbage frequently. Also, stock up on toilet paper and tissues and ensure the hand drier is functional. Reach out to a commercial cleaning service for help taking care of your space. 
