Mold Remediation Doesn't End With The Initial Cleanup

When you call a mold remediation team, you expect them to clean up all the mold and remove overly moldy materials from the home. And indeed, this cleanup process is a vital part — maybe the most vital part — of mold remediation. However, mold remediation does not end with the cleanup stage. Your mold remediation team will also take some steps to help keep mold from growing back. These steps may vary a little from situation to situation, but generally, they include the following.

Removing Water

If you remove the mold but don't remove the water, you'll just come back to more mold the next day. So, after cleaning up moldy surfaces and materials, a mold remediation team will focus on getting rid of any puddles or pooling water. If the water accumulation is extensive, they may collaborate with a plumbing or pumping company to come pump the water out. For smaller amounts, though, they may simply absorb the water with towels or bail it out with buckets.

Running a Dehumidifier or Fan

If there has been water sitting in the home for a while, you can count on the air also being humid. This humidity needs to be removed from the air to keep additional mold from growing not only on the surfaces that were originally moldy, but also on other surfaces. The remediation team can plug in a dehumidifier that will suck in air and remove the moisture from that air. They may also set up a few fans to keep air circulating. The end goal will be to restore your home's humidity level to the 45-55% range that is generally recommended for mold prevention.

Air filtration

The mold spores floating around in the air can easily land on any surface and cause another mold outbreak. So, your remediation team will plug in a few air purifiers or air filters. They'll suck in the air and remove mold spores before they have a chance to germinate.

Making repair recommendations

A mold remediation team can bail the water out and dry your air, but if there is still a broken water pipe or a big hole in the ceiling, all of their work will come undone the second the space gets wet again. So, your mold remediation team can recommend repairs and a contractor to make them.

The initial cleanup process is a really important part of your mold remediation service, but it's just the beginning. Keeping mold from growing back is just as important. For more information, contact a mold remediation service.
