What You Need To Do After Flood Damage

There is no worse feeling than going into your basement after heavy rainfall and finding standing water. Once you get over the shock, there are many steps you need to take to get your home and your belongings back in order. Here's what you need to know about flood damage.


Stay out of the basement. Standing water is dangerous. Not only is there the chance of electrocution, but the water may also be contaminated. If you can, shut off the power to your home. This will help prevent further damage and protect you from electrocution.

If the water is coming into your home from the outside, try to block it by covering the area with sandbags or a tarp.

Once the power is off and if you feel safe doing so, begin removing as much water from your home as possible. Use a wet/dry vacuum or mop and bucket to remove the water.

The next day

Call your insurance agency and discuss what coverage you have for flooding. Many policies do not cover flood damage. You need to talk to your agent directly.

Assuming the rain has stopped and water has stopped entering your home, you need to act fast to mitigate the effects of the flood. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency states that mold can grow in as little as 24–48 hours after a flooding event.

If you were not able to remove all the water, now is the time to bring in a professional. A water damage restoration company will have the equipment and expertise to get your home dry and mold-free.

Throw away any food that has come into contact with floodwaters as it may have become contaminated.

Move any boxes of personal belongings to a higher level of the house and sort through them. Dry what you can and toss what you no longer need.

The following week

Once the water has been removed and everything is dry, you can start the process of cleaning and repairing your home. You may need to repaint, replace the flooring, or repair drywall.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact a professional for help. Flood damage is serious and should not be taken lightly.

Within the next weeks

Now that the flood damage is behind you, you need to prepare your home better for the next flood. If your insurance was inadequate, talk to your agent about upgrading your policy. If you need to re-grade your yard so that the water runs away from your house, schedule that service. Invest in shelving units to keep your belongings up and off the floor in the future.

A flooded basement is not the end of the world. Flood damage is an inconvenience that you can work through this time around and mitigate the next time.

Contact a professional if you require assistance with flood damage.
