Steam Carpet Cleaning: How It Works And Its Various Advantages

If you have carpet floors in your home, you know how challenging it can be to keep them clean. While regular DIY vacuuming helps whisk away surface dirt before it gets stuck deep into your carpet fibers, it's not sufficient to ensure a thorough clean. 

In addition to regular vacuuming of your carpet floors, you should periodically get a professional carpet cleaning service. Professional carpet cleaners use the most advanced carpet cleaning methods to deliver the best customer service. 

Steam cleaning is one of the most popular methods they use for carpet cleaning. Read along to learn about how it works and the advantages it offers.

How Does Steam Carpet Cleaning Work?

As the name implies, steam cleaning is a carpet cleaning technique that requires injecting steam (hot vaporized water) deep into your carpet fibers to soften and loosen embedded dirt while killing any bacteria and pathogens the carpeting might harbor. This carpet cleaning process is also known as hot water extraction because of how it works.

Steam cleaning machines have a reservoir that holds the soapy water used to generate steam. The water is superheated to convert from its original liquid state to vapor form before it's blasted into your carpets at high pressure. 

As the steam breaks down embedded dirt, a powerful vacuum attached to the steam cleaner pulls the extracted debris, leaving your carpets looking clean and smelling fresh.

What Are The Advantages Of Steam Carpet Cleaning?

Steam cleaning offers many advantages, which is why top carpet cleaners offer this service. The main reasons to consider steam carpet cleaning include the following:

  • It delivers nearly pristine cleaning results – Steam cleaning removes all the carpet dirt, debris, and stains, creating soft, clean surfaces to walk on. 
  • It helps eliminate germs and bacteria – The high temperature of the steam used to clean your carpets helps kill most harmful bacteria and germs, disinfecting your floors and contributing to improved health and well-being for your family.
  • It does not require harsh chemical cleaning products – Only mild liquid soap or detergent is added to the water used to form steam. As a result, steam cleaning is safe for your household and the environment.
  • It has quick drying times – Since steam cleaning is a dry cleaning process, it allows you to walk on your floors much sooner than traditional wet carpet cleaning options like shampooing.

Need expert steam cleaning for your residential carpet floors? Contact a carpet cleaning company for more information.
