How To Transform Your Dirty Garage Into A New Space

If you seem to be running out of space in your garage, and there is no room for your automobiles, it's time for a change. You've attempted to clean, but the area still looks tired and grungy. It may be time to focus on an overall deep clean. Here is how to transform your garage area and brighten up the entire space. 

Purge and Organize

Now is the time to set up an area for disposing of unwanted items. If you store a lot of things in the garage like holiday decorations, outdated decor, or garage sale items, they may be taking up unwanted space. Now is the time to separate things you don't need into:

  • Trash - Items that belong in a dumpster such as old garbage, empty non-recyclable products, and items that are unusable. 
  • Recycling - Separate plastics, metal, paper, batteries, and compost. 
  • Donation - Make a pile of things to be donated that can be reused by others. 

From there, you can lighten the load in your garage. Use plastic totes to label and organize items and keep them from cluttering work areas. 

This will help restore the garage space to its original glory. Now it can be used for storing important things like automobiles, tools, and recreational items. 

Power Clean the Entire Space

If there is still a lot of dirt and grime appearing after you've purged items, it's time for a power clean. Getting rid of that layer of dirt, grime and staining is important when revitalizing the space. In most cases, a simple cleaning using a household degreaser will do the trick. But for spaces that are extra oily or dirty, a power scrubber will do the trick. 

Most power scrubbers are used by the pros or you can rent a unit to get started on the project right away. A scrubber will help alleviate the need to do scrubbing by hand. It will help destroy that top layer of buildup on floors, windows, and walls. This is a great choice, especially if you plan on painting the walls and ceiling. It will leave behind a clean surface to help paint or other materials adhere properly. 

Focus on the Floors

Even if a garage has been cleaned or even painted, stubborn oil and grease stains can ruin the vibe. This makes it difficult to really enjoy the garage, especially if you were planning on turning it into a recreation room or area for the kids to play in. Consider a power scrubber rental to really get the job done on the floors. Depending on the model, you can choose a scrubber that targets stubborn grime and releases tough stains. The result? A clean floor that is ready for sealing and then play. 

Having an inviting home starts with a clean, attractive garage. Removing clutter, and deep cleaning is a great way to transform a once-dirty garage into an extra living area for your family. It will not only expand the space in your home, but it also boosts curb appeal and improves its overall value. 

Speak to a power scrubber rental service near you to learn more.
